#Blogpost 15- PCOS awareness with PCOS awareness association.

One in every 10 women in India has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common endocrinal system disorder among women of reproductive age, according to a study by PCOS Society. And out of every 10 women diagnosed with PCOS, six are teenage girls . I am sure you or somebody near you must have gone through this. I myself witnessed some issues regarding the same recently and therefore, thought of writing this blog post to be dedicated about women health discussing what actually PCOS is, what causes PCOS and how to get rid of the same. Also to mention, I am not an expert or a doctor to talk about PCOS. This one is totally personal based on my knowledge and experience regarding the same. I thought of sharing this with you guys for if in any case, this post can help you or make you aware of the same. I have compiled some relevant information and facts too. To start with, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects a woman’s hormone levels. W omen who h...